The Emerald Bay Alumni Campfire Circle

Become a permanent part of the Emerald Bay Alumni Campfire Circle!

In appreciation of key contributors to this fundraising campaign, we have created two special recognition opportunities. A $1,000 donation will sponsor a bench, and $10,000 will sponsor one of the fire rings. These special contributions will be recognized with a small plaque embedded in each bench or near the fire ring.

We also encourage groups to get together for this special recognition. How about a "Rangers 2001" bench? Or perhaps the "1985 Staff" fire ring? If you are interested in participating in a special recognition group, please view our group donations page.

UPDATE--December 2008: Recognition opportunities are still available! Due to the redesign and upgrade, the change in layout gives us additional recognition opportunities. Please contact us for more details.

Learn more about our next project, The EBA Endowment!

The North Ring - Max Clark South Ring - The Garbanzo Brothers! C14 - The 2002 High Adventure Staff C13 - Troop 223 C12 - Val & Seth Jaffe C11 - Mark Griffin C10 - Andrew Kempiak and Family C9 - Steve Zimmerman C8 - Jim Cook C7 - Randall Cook C6 - Morimoto-Snowiss Family C5 - Morimoto-Snowiss Family C4 - The 1978 Staff C3 - The Rangers C2 - The Solursh Family D14 - Joan & Dennis Wilder D13 - Hohensee Brothers D12 - In memory of Russell E. Johnson D11 - Hare and McAlister Families D10 - The Michael Craig Family D9 - Jack-Daniyel Strong D8 - Superchicken D7 - The Hogan Family D6 - Dr. Mark Sumers D5 - Dr. Larry Guinney D4 - Dr. John Black D3 - Scott Nussbaum & David Bloom A3 - Jason and Emily Mandrup A4 - S.S.S. Islander - Sea Scout Ship 16 A5 - Skip Feher & Terry Budden A6 - The Lencioni Family A7 - John Wilson A8 - Joseph Wildhagen A9 - Troop 22 A10 - Troop 22 A11 - Troop 22 A12 - Rod Wheeler A13 - Kirk and Lisa Hetherington A14 - Reserved B14 - Marilyn & Dave Moore B13 - Carol and Mike Lanning B12 - The Hatfield Family B11 - John Thomas B10 - In Memory of Cal Hoftyzer B9 - Steve Zimmerman B8 - The Riordan Family Estate B7 - Dean Ellis B6 - Morimoto-Snowiss Family B5 - Morimoto-Snowiss Family B4 - Morimoto-Snowiss Family B3 - The Eric Wise & David Kay Families B2 - The Solursh Family D2 -  Reserved for the 1970s Crew D1 - Dennis Conneally C1 - Rich Wise B1 - Dave McAlister A2 - Bob Fenton A1 - Andrew Wilder This is an interactive map! Hold your mouse over a bench to check availability or to see who has sponsored it.